I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Sunday, June 22, 2008

The Leg Saga Continued

The surgery went well in April (sorry not getting an up date out sooner--pain does not do fun things to the mind and/or body--i.e. thinking and planning go by the way side). I even got to go home earlier than was expected. I was so so so lucky that so many wonderful people came to see me in the hospital! Visiting and chatting with people makes the day go quicker and the pain seems lessened. Visitors are always welcome--they did my mind, body and spirit good!

As of June 17th, 2008 the doctor said, "From a technical standpoint everything looks great! At this rate we should be able to schedule a CT scan next month." And then he mentioned that it might come off before the end of the summer. I wanted to shush him b/c he has said that before and it hasn't happened. Some part of me feels that if anyone says it out loud too much it won't happen like it didn't happen 6 times before.

So, the CT scan is the next big goal. It will show how dense the bone is. There has been a huge difference in how I have felt after this surgery versus any of the others. I had little pain in the hospital this time around. Instead it came after surgery and hit me hard enough to knock me off my rocker. As in the past my energy level and mobility went way down. To my utter frustration, even after two months I am still not fully able to walk all day without the walker. I hate the walker and I would really like to chuck it out a window of a high-rise (good thing their aren't any high-rises in Bellingham). As my physical therapist reminds me when I am frustrated with the lack of progress, that the docs did cut through two sides of my leg--the inside of my leg to put the bone graft in and then the outside of my leg where they took a chunk out of my fibula. I think I might have thrown things at her for similar "obvious" statements if it weren't for the fact that she is has the patients of a saint and she is just one of those people who is just really nice. You just can't hold any hard feelings against her.

Again sorry for the delay in postings!

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