I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Things Are a Changing!

Not only has the weather and season changed once again but I am too. I am finally off all medication associated with my leg saga. No more pain meds, and no more anti-biotics! This means my little red car and I are reunited--and it never felt so good!!!!

I have decided to leave good old Bellingham. I am going back to SHOES-n-FEET in Federal Way to pursue my passion. I still have a lot of physical therapy to do but I am making progress slowly but surly! My energy levels are still lacking but I have noticed an increase in my stamina. Again I am making little steps of improvement but improvement none-the-less!

I am looking for a home to call my own and will up date with pictures as soon as I have made some kind of decision!

Thanks to all who have given your love and support to me during this trying past two years! I could have not done this all without you!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Surgery Number 13--A scar revision

I am sad to report that I had surgery #13. The up side is that it was outpatient and it was the quickest surgery I have ever had! It was called a "scar revision." The skin graft and the muscle flap was not healing like it should have been. There was just too much tissue flapping over the skin graft edge preventing the appropriate healing. So, my great plastics doc revised the scar. I think it is a hoot how the docs all talk about having to revise my scar as if they are talking about editing a paragraph in a thesis. In any case just as I had started intensive physical therapy I am benched again. This makes me frustrated! But the stitches should be out before my birthday in February so only a few weeks of twiddling my thumbs. My energy level suck, so at least this will give me more time to recoup those lovely red blood cells I am lacking. If only chewing on rusty nails worked!

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