I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

One Step Forward Two Steps Backwards

Well to say I am a bit discouraged is an understatement! The good news is that three of the four fractures are healed and doing extremely well! The bad news is that the fracture that is directly on top of my tibia--closest to the skin--thus lacking in blood flow--is not viable. In other words it is dead. :( This is part of the bone that actually broke through the skin and where the infections took hold. We knew this was a possibility but were hoping we would not have to go down this road! I had been exceeding all the medical people's expectations so I was not prepared to hear this news! So, how to fix this--more surgery. I will have bone removed from my hip bone (the thought of this alone makes my stomach churn) it will be ground up and have what mom refers to as "Elmer Glue" for the bones added to my own bone and then grafted into the fracture site. On the upside are a couple of things:
  1. My doctor is going to deal with my overly tight Achilles Tendon in the same surgery.
  2. A big wig doctor who is part of the company who makes and distributes the Taylor-Spacial Frame is coming up to help with the surgery.
  3. The big wig doctor's company is paying for his services--so much of the surgeon costs will be paid for.
  4. What are a few more scars on your leg when ya got this many anyway! :)
  5. I won't have to wear a scarf around my foot attached to the frame to keep my foot in a dorsal flexed position (90 degree angle).
  6. More down time to knit
  7. A walking cast is in my future in the next two to three months--how lucky I will be that summer's hottest days will be over when I get to wear it! :)
Sadly there are down sides to my positives--I will "get" to have the already huge frame on my leg extended to my foot--more pins, rods and do-hickeys that will assist in the lengthening of my dang Achilles. I will also have to have work done to my Achilles and/or the muscles it is attached to make sure it lengthens with out ripping apart. The biggest bummer of it all is that I was hoping to be home in Auburn in August. The earliest time the surgery can be scheduled is mid August and if it can't be done then it will have to wait until September. Scheduling two doctors with busy schedules and the busy hospital operating rooms will be challenging! After the surgery I will be in the dang contraption for 6-8 weeks more--both good and bad. As my dear friend Sacha Coughran stated, "6-8 weeks--you can handle that! It is not as if it will be another 6 months!" I am still bummed about the 6-8 weeks but I don't really have a choice in the matter--so I will muddle through!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My Delightful Babies!

I am delighted to report I have my babies with me.
It is not the ideal situation but nothing about my
situation is ideal! Nevertheless, it has proven to
be quite humorous--though I am not sure Mom & Dad think so!

Dad put together 'containment' area w/mesh fencing. I
stated my concerns that I thought my lovable bassets were
smart and persistent enough to get out of it. Dad
pooh-poohed my concerns, because he knows about
dogs--he had dogs growing up and he lived on a farm--so
he knows dogs. Yep and those dogs were not basset hounds!
Unfortunately for Mom, my concerns proved to be valid because
they are quite the little Houdinis! Gus, the younger of the
two is quite adept at finding wholes and/or pushing his way
through them. Gertie Mae on the other hand lets Gus do all
the hard work and gets out when she doesn't have to put any
effort into it. Gus has worked so hard at escaping that he
has rubbed his snout raw.I can't say I feel too sorry for him
(and Dad says they are not smart--lol)!

Mom and Dad have both found them early in the morning or
very late at night at their back door--whinnying/howling or
sitting in front of the window staring down at them. Again,
I see the humor in it but Mom and Dad aren't quite as able!
They are just coming to see their people! Or more true to
the fact that they are looking for me. For example they got
out again not too long ago one morning where Mom found
Gertie Mae pacing back in forth in front of the window to my
room--she must have been able to 'smell' me. It makes me
laugh. On quite a few times we have gone to leave and there
is Gus sitting on the stoop waiting for us.

Mom may get frustrated with them but they sure do have her
wrapped around their little paws! Mom takes them out on
two walks a day--even though we have some neighbor kids come
take them out on a walk and play with them for a while. She
says she feels guilty when she feeds them and that they are
so excited to see her and so vocal when she leaves w/out
taking them out. Even funnier is that it isn't Mom taking
them for a walk it is Gertie & Gus taking Mom for a walk.
I keep trying to explain to her that they will walk nicely
beside you if you let them know who is boss. I could even
walk them w/my leg as is if I could walk any distance w/out
a lot of pain. I would not have to worry that they would
pull too hard but Mom says she just can't be stern w/them.
I don't know why she can't with them but she can/could w/the
rest of the family members!

A neighbor commented the other day that it is the highlight
of his day to see Mom come past his house w/my babies.
They are so excited, their tongues hanging out and their
tails wagging a mile a minute. The gentleman commented how
humorous it was to see them take Mom for a walk--pulling her
a long. He said it is too bad that she doesn't seem to be
enjoying the walk. "Isn't it a shame that she is grimacing
when she is surrounded such jolly creatures." The whole thing
makes me laugh!!! Mom says they may be good for my health and
well being but not necessarily for hers--but she is walking
them at least once a day and walking is good for you--either
way it makes me giggle!

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