I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Good News or Not so Good News First?

Good News

Dr. Taranow removed my only wire--the device that went through and through my leg above my ankle. I am ecstatic to be wire free! I now only have six half pins--they are the ones that go into the bone. Knock on wood, I have yet to have any major irritations with the half pins. I had a lot of problems with the wires! Dad thinks it might be because he is allergic to stainless steal and I have had problems w/the metal as well (I am unable to wear stainless steal earrings). The wires where stainless steal whereas the half pins are titanium..

Not So Good News

I received the results of my CT scan yesterday. One of the fractures is not healing like it should be. I was expecting not to have great news but I wasn't expecting it to be this bad either. So, I am looking at something as simple as loosening my struts to make the bones move more therefore be stimulated and then grow. Or, the most unfavorable, have another bone graft done. The bone graft isn't what the problem is--it is the bone donor site. The pain that came from that was more intense, deep and all around horrible than anything else I have had to go through with.

I will find out more by Tuesday. So, keep posted.

Friday, February 8, 2008

Here is Wikipedia's definition of a Taylor Spacial Frame

Smith & Nephew is the brand of Taylor Spacial Frame that I am "fixed" with. Check them out they have some neat stories and informantion!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Escape from Bellingham

I escaped from Bellingham for a short while--it was sweet none-the-less. Derek initially took me over to Ellensburg--we were very lucky and had no problem with he passes! We stopped in Leavenworth which is even more delightful covered in snow! We ate at this great restaurant Cafe Mozart. If you check out their website be sure to look at the wine section. You will see their amazing wine cellar that is as wonderful if not more to look at than the promenade. We were entertained by the proprietor's father who is a delightful man with wonderful information about Northern Europe and Leavenworth.

We headed back to the Western side and I had a wonderful time with my dearest of friends, Sacha & Chris Coughran and their darlings Norah & Harper Mae. The night was all too short but very sweet!

Executive Pacific Plaza is the swanky little hotel in the middle of downtown Seattle. If only I had been able to walk confidently on my own--I would have done lots of exploring! Check out a picture of the room we stayed in--it is the picture on the top left. Yes, two windows--counting them all there were four--three looked into the alley but the other looked out on to Spring Street at the new architectural wonder the Seattle Public Library and if you didn't know the have tons of programs new and on-going. Alas, if I only lived in the area!

For the longest time I have longed to see my the wonderful people who I worked with at SHOES-n-FEET in Bellevue--Colin, Ken, JB, & Joe. I was also introduced to their new manager (since I am horrible w/names I think it was Julie) who seemed like a darling. I was told that I am still asked for and asked about. It was so wonderful to see them! It was a good ego booster too--they seemed just as excited to see me as I was of them. The store has been renovated and it looks amazing! I was able to get some OTC arch supports and a pair of slippers that are much more substantial than the ones I had. It is my theory that everyone needs a good pair of shoes, a good pair of arch supports and a good counselor/therapist. Of course the service was wonderful! My foot, ankle and leg were examined with interest that only people involved w/feet and lower leg issues can appreciate. It has made my month!

The night before we headed back to Bellingham Derek took me to a great little Puerto Rican restaurant in Ballard. The food, atmosphere and of course the company were a memory to be cherished. I will have to figure out how to add a photo album to show you the fun we hand.

It is my theory that everyone needs a good pair of shoes, a good pair of arch supports and a good counselor/therapist. I definitely have the good shoes and arch supports. It also hit me that I really do need to speak to a professional about my accident and the pursuing saga that has followed it. It will be a year on 2/16/08. I took a shower standing up for the first time during this trip. I thought nothing of it until I got out and suddenly had this overwhelming sense of anguish. I was horrible luckily that Derek was there and held me until my crying ceased. And he says he runs from drama--we can let him think that. :)

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