I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sweet tooth

My mother can attest to the fact that I was never a child who liked sweets. I love Halloween and it has never been for the candy. In fact I would count, separate, categorize the candy I collected on Halloween as a child most likely to compete with my sister on who got the most especially of the "good stuff" which was usually decided on the basis of size and/or quantity in the package. After that I would take a few pieces out to munch on. These items would last me weeks. The other candy would go into a special box that I stored my Halloween candy in. I can't decide which is worse the knowledge that my mother only let me go out on Halloween if I threw away the candy from the previous Halloween. Or finding out that during the year if my mother needed a chocolate and/or sweet fix she would delve into my stash. My sister, Mari, on the other hand would gobble up her candy with in the first couple of days. She was the real sweet tooth of the family.

Since March I can't get enough sweets to really truly satisfy me! It has baffled my parents. I, the child who when tasted my first cake spit it back out, would be willing to eat that thick overly sweet, made of just sugar and lard, frosting. A dear friend pointed out to me that all my pain medications are at a chemical level related to heroin. Heroin addicts crave sugar--so in a medical way I am controlled junkie who always needs a sweet fix. Any body up for some cake and ice cream? And since Halloween is nearly upon us I can hardly wait for the left over candy! Is it so wrong to pilfer through the candy before Halloween?

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