I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Monday, March 24, 2008

Another Hiccup in Time

Alas, my surgery has been rescheduled for April 17th. The good news is that I will not miss Scott O.'s last day as lead-interim minister for FCCB on March 30th. I do so hope we have a send off he so rightly deserves! I cannot believe how time flies when you don't want it to and how it drags on when you do want it to fly by! I will also be able to attend Miss Jennifer's Installation at the First Congregational Church of Forest Grove Oregon. Check out her profile too--they did a great job!

Monday, March 3, 2008

With Grandpa on a sandy beach.

As some of you know my Grandma turned 95 on the 31st of January. She was an extraordinary woman of many talents! She has had Parkinson's Disease for as long as I can remember--so for over 3 decades. The Parkinson's Disease has made life for Grandma & anyone helping her really rough! Nevertheless, with her quiet diligence she set out to complete two final goals.

  1. Put together & publish a book including her short stories, poetry, comments of the world around her & images--paintings, photographs of her youth & photographs she took herself.

  2. Re-do/up-date the kitchen for my Aunt Cathy--the youngest daughter of the two.

She did those things & was quite happy & she was pleased as punch about it!

Sunday 3/2/08 My Aunt Cathy gently told her, "It is time to go Ma, It is almost spring & Dad is waiting for you to walk on the beach with him. " My Grandma, Eleanor Richards Roraff peacefully slipped from this world into the next.

All posts are dedicated to those who love me. This is especially dedicated to my Grandma, Eleanor Richards Roraff, daughter, sister, friend, wife, Mother & Grandma. Beloved by all who knew her!

Dad is off the Hook!

Since my birthday on February 28th I have been having quite a lot of pain in my right knee to the top of the three half pins on the first rings of the TSF. I was worried that my Dad might have done something to it when he shoved in a chair in where my leg was. Dad is off the hook! Turns out I have bursitis which is very similar to tendenitis easily fixed w/some physical thearpy, rest & anti-inflamatories. Hip-hip-horay!!!! It is nothing serious!!!

I also found out that my fibula is what has been keeping my tibia from really putting down more bone. In all tib-fib fracturess the fibula--the finer non-weight bearing bone is never set b/c it can interfer with the healing of the tibia. My fibula was broken but never had any infection in it & by the time I got home from Mexico it was already working hard at fixing itself. The begining of my problem. The doctor could not figure out why my tibia was not healing as quickly as it should--he then delved deeper. My fibula is a bit bigger than my tibia, which it should not be. Therefore the fibula, the finer bone has become the longer bone and the one that is doing the weight bearing. The tibia has not had a chance to heal well because it cannot "reach." This is great news! I was worried that my doctor would talk about amputation as an option I would need to decide on. Wonderfully, that has nothing to do with what will happen next. For fixing the tibia I will either have another bone graft or I will have the bone plated. Either one will work I have no preference either way. The great thing is that I know what will happen going in--I know what to expect and how I should react. The other part of either procedure will envolve removing some of my fibula. My hope is that I will not have that floppy foot thing again! Dr. Taranow wants me to get a second opinion in either Seattle--Harborview or in Portland w/Dr. Gillman. I could also end up having the surgery in one of those places as well, wich does not thrill me
Either way the news is good!

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