I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Bone Envy

Surgery #10 or #14 if you count the 3 in office procedures.
My fibula has bone envy.

Since I have been weight bearing on my leg the fibula, the bone that isn't suppose to be the weight bearing bone, has been doing just that. Hence the bone envy. This means that a chunk has to be removed. Unlike the tibia that had the infections and was "scraped clean" 3 times, the fibula healed very quickly and very nicely. What is it about littler siblings trying to show up the older ones?

Truth be told I am less worried about having my bone "broken" than having the bone harvesting that has to be done so there is bone to graft to the fracture sites on the tibia. I am further less than thrilled to find out that the docs want lots of bone material to "play" with so they must take out more bone which means the donor sit has to be my right hip. Oh the joys of modern medicine.

Unfortunately, this could mean a lot more pain. The good thing is that I have the routine down now! I better after 10 surgeries. I know what to expect and to get on top of things right away. I am defiantly not going to be stoic about the pain after surgery!!! Another plus is that I will have someone w/me during the "bad" hours which can be 12-24 hours after surgery to help alert the nurses that the pain is getting out of control.

I am also on the up-and-up w/the cafeteria. Turns out that a patient can order anything from the cafeteria and not have the awful stuff that is served to all patients. I don't get it! The stuff that is served to the patients is horrid! It is always over cooked, bland and either very dry or overly soggy. Yet the cafeteria is an excellent cafeteria where most people, not patients, enjoy the food & have no qualms about eating there. An odd system it is!

All in all I am looking forward to having this done and over with. I really think this will make the tibia really put down bone and that makes an end to all of this more and more near! I have a great feeling about it all and feel that everything is growing a-new every where and my body like the trees and flowers is no exception!

On a weird side note, the only time I ever want a Big Mac is when I haven't been able to eat prior to surgery. Isn't that the weirdest thing? Under normal circumstances even the thought of a Big Mac makes me nauseous. The body does weird and wondrous things!

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