I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Short but sweet times two.

This week I had an amazing step forward (pardon the pun)! I took Gertie Mae for a walk to the mail box and back. I then took Gus on a walk to the mail box and back. It was not a long walk because I am still very slow and a bit anxious about falling still. The other factor in the length was how long I felt Gus and Gertie could stand being reminded who was boss. I did some minor training stuff--no pulling, sit when I stop type of stuff. They have been too use to dragging mom around that reminding them is a must but also tiring to all. Looks like we all need more practice!

Hospital Visit II--this round w/results

Well, after a very frustrating day at the hospital I went home. The following day I had a wonderful excursion to the doctor's office who preformed in office "surgery" (that brings the tally up to 8) where my Doctor removed all five pins that went through my foot. I have never been so excited to be able to wiggle my toes!!! The procedure was relatively painless--felt more like someone very sharply pinching me--though the nurse did say to double up on pain meds before I came in. My doctor giddily remarked, "I can't believe you let me do this in the office!" after removing all 5 pins. I think he likes his job a little too much sometimes! But I am very glad he does! So, I was able to wear two socks and two shoes for the first time since August. Unless you have not been in a similar situation you might not know how those two items meant so much! Surgery to removal and replace three half pins (those are the ones that go into the bone versus the wires that go through the entire leg) was then scheduled for Thursday the next week on December 6th. That surgery was a breeze (am I off my rocker that I have had so many surgeries to say such a thing)! I had no problems with anesthesia or leg spasms or leg cramps. Thank god for good drugs! I spent the night and after some physical therapy the next morning I was ready to go home!

Friday, December 21, 2007

Is there such a thing a self-help/parenting book for parents who have to/get to bring a child or more back home?

If not there should be! If so do you think it is too late for my parents to get some kind of education in before it is too late?

I wrote this to a dear friend who said it was a hoot and very touching to read all at the same time, so enjoy.

There are days that am so endeared to my parents. And then there are other days.... I have had visions of placing them in specific "homes" that have had anything but a good reputations. And of course in my visions I cackle and remind them of the torture they put me through way back when in 2007-2008. I also have another dream where I put them in the smallest of rooms in my "mansion of a home" and only let them have a bed, some clothing and nothing else that would be of importance and/or helpful, or useful to wile the days away. Of course I am saying in a sickening voice with a large smile, "it will only be temporary."

Then there are those other days that I can't believe that I not only had parents able but more than willing to hold me up while I travel this journey. And hold me up they have!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hurry up! & Wait!

As many of you knew I was suppose to have surgery on Thursday, November 29th. I went to the hospital at 12n without having eaten anything 8 hours prior (had oatmeal at 4am). I then proceeded to sit around for hours. At 3pm I was put in "my" room. I had wonderful prayer said from my FCCB minister asking for Divine assistance--that all needles would be very sharp.

Shortly there after the nurses started to try to get an IV line into me. (Did you note my word choice of started and try?) After a few failed attempts the nurses decided to warm my arms and veins up wrapping them in warm blankets. Every so often the nurses would check on the "progress" of my veins & adding more warm blankets as they felt necessary. It didn't take long before I was loaded down unable to move my arms. Ironically the one day I needed to be warm my body decided not to overheat.

A "special" nurse from the ER was called up to try and get an IV in me. Reportedly she had a special touch with what I am now referred to, "A hard stick." I got very worried when she said, "Well I guess this means I must go vein diving." I really wanted to take my arm away from her and say, "Only if you go first!" Unfortunately she had a better grip.

I am not sure the medical community realizes what they see as routine can be extremely horrifying to a patient. I found the ER nurse to be less than special. Instead she was highly painful.! A dear friend who was waiting with me commented on how she now understood my funny prayer request. She was amazed at how easy it was to become frustrated and apprehensive of needles after watching just one failed attempt. And she was only watching! I have a variety of lovely colored bruises and very tender skin patches to attest to quite a "few" failures--both arms and both sides.

Around 6pm a nurse came in with good news and bad news. The good news was that the nursing staff was not going to try and poke me any more. The bad news was that the surgery was postponed. In the same moment I was relieved and irritated but hunger pains out weighed all thoughts. Mom & Dad then took me out to dinner where we feasted. So, what ask you of the surgery....to be continued. :)

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