I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Can it be True?

Big News:

  • For the first time since before April 16th I was able to empty the dishwasher. Now I know some of you all are thinking, "Ya, so? Big deal!" But I haven't been able to since my last surgery--3 months ago. If I could jump up and down I would!

  • I realized I am taking less pain medication meaning I am not always in pain on daily basis. Another, "wish I could jump for joy" moments!

  • I am leaving the cane places--i.e. I am walking w/out the cane much more.

Please refer to the pictures in the previous posts. When referring to the picture below please note that in the first post/picture the long white band shown below the gastrocnemius muscle is the Achilles tendon. Bet you didn't think it was that long did you?

  • My very astute PT figured out the reason I am unable to do a regular heel-raise. My toes do not bend when I am standing up straight to do a heel-raise. However, I can bend my toes into a heel-raise position when my knee is bent. It is all my gastrocnemius (a.k.a. gastroc) fault! My gastroc & soleus muscles are still very tight. Which means I cannot do a heel-raise with my right leg. The gastroc is attached to the Achilles tendon, the Achilles tendon is attached to your plantar fascia and the plantar fascia attaches to the big toe. If they are all tight like mine are the soleus and the gastroc is tight and the Achilles tendon is tight and the plantar fascia is tight--toes cannot bend. When the knee is bent the tension on the soleus and gastroc is vastly lessened and therefore will not pull the achilles tendon tight. I can do heel-raises after all--they are pathetic and only done with the knees bent, but it is a start! Can't wait to see Dr. T and show off. :)

  • New goals for physical therapy--strech out that gastroc! How am I going to do that with the bird cage (TSF: Taylor Spacial Frame) around my leg? To say the least what is done to my leg is only minute to what will need doing when the frame is off. My PT must become a bit of a contortist to work around the bird cage. I do get a foot and calf massage; too bad it is the deep tissue kind to break up scar tissue. Sadly there is no way for the massage to be a calming and refreshing time. The muscles need invigorating and the tendons need elogating within the confines of the bird cage. Not so much fun for either my PT or me! I end up coming home and feeling as if I climbed Mt. Baker or ran a marathon but without the elation of completing something so momentus.

As always one step at a time!



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