I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

While the cat is away the mouse will play.....

Mom and Dad finally left Monday the 28th. At one point Mom is talking about the fun she is going to have on this trip and excited to just mosey down the coast using Highway 101. My laughing reply was, "You have to leave first to have fun." She laughed and said yep it is time to go. An eye roll from me because Dad was already ready and in the car waiting.

I have had many people jokingly tell me not to burn the place down. But really my woo-hooing it up is more like being able to hold the remote (no channel surfing unless I want to) and eat at times when I want to.

Last night I had, Anne Marie, a dear friend, over for dinner and a knitting session. While I didn't burn the place down I did manage to break the kitchen sinks faucet. I was finishing up w/washing the lettuce and talking w/Anne Marie and the dang thing just snapped off. I still don't know exactly what I did that made it break. Water sprayed up to the ceiling, across the counter and even hit a couple of the pots that are hanging above the counter. Anne Marie and I laughed and thought that this was the biggest excitement we each have had in a long while. We both need to get out more! So, I have realized while my Mother is a clean freak about most things dusting things up high are not on her list. The pots that were wiped dry look a lot cleaner than the others. In any case it looks like I will be hauling water from the little bathroom until it is fixed or the parental units come home. I really didn't expect to have to call Mom and Dad to say, "So I have some bad news...." In my opinion unless there is blood involved it is not that serious so I should hopefully not have other problems (knock on wood).

In any case it was a good laugh!


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