I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pain, pain go away and don't come back another day!

This past week I saw my GP, the doctor over seeing my pain management. She is GREAT! And even better is the staff are wonderful! I was pleasantly surprised when my nurse told me that she was always glad to see me on the docket. Per her standards I am a patient that is easy to handle; more importantly fun and witty. I liked that compliment! I always worry that I am complaining too much. I will never adhere to the motto "There is no crying baseball!" However, I do want to be the "squeaky wheel" when things are not the way the should be--whether that is about how I physically feel or how about life in general. Seek justice, do kindness and walk humbly w/your God.

I have been worried that my pain has been getting out of hand and/or I am becoming tolerant to my break through pain medication. The step up in medication to help "control" pain is not fun. You don't feel pain b/c you don't feel anything--you are either asleep or awake as a zombie. That is not a reality I want to be a part of! My doctor asked me a variety of questions and when she was finished she said, "You are not becoming tolerant of the break through pain medication." She basically said I need to remember that I have had major trauma to my leg. Break through pain that is as consistent as it has been for me, while awful, is to be expected with the trauma that my leg has undergone. Taking more than one dose a day of the break through pain medication is OKAY. The ramifications of dealing with pain and the effects of pain medication (especially about tolerance/addiction/addict) has always lingered in my thoughts. My doctor basically said relax and take the pain meds as much as needed b/c pain hinders healing. So, I have added another huge bottle of bills to my collection. The drawers of my nightstand are quite large and I have one that is devoted to bottles of medication. Shall I go into the pharmacy business after this?

My beloved babies are hoodlums! Gertie Mae and Gus have some how been able to escape from their enclosure. The really truly scary thing is that they have been able cross busy streets. Luckily they have been found without injury. Just hearing where they were found made me nauseous! If you are praying for me in any way please pray that my hounds stay put!!! It is hard enough that they aren't part of the family the way they use to be (i.e. not allowed inside). The thought of something happening to either of them b/c they got out of their "pen" would break me! Fuzz therapy is very very important!

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