I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Ettiene De Grellet

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

First--big oops on my part for not posting sooner. I did actually have stuff written but I kept doing something wrong and it either was erased or would not publish on the blog and then got erased. Anyway, it looks like all things are going forward!

Speaking of forward--my leg is progressing great. In all my frustrations in dealing w/my pain and lack of bounce back I realized I have not been walking on my tibia--the bone that is suppose to be the weight bearing bone. My fibula was doing the major support job. So in essences this is the first time in over a year that I am walking on my tibia and it is not happy with me! My break through pain has been a lot more intense which means more awful side effects w/pain "management." But I am going today to chat w/my pain care specialist to see if there is anything else I can/could do to lessen the break through pain.

I still have my PICC line in and taking the heavy duty antibiotic Vancomycin to kill off the bacteria that was found in the bone at the last surgery. They took a couple cultures to make sure the staph infections were gone. They were not present (though the staph can lye dormant for years--oh, what a pleasant thought). So i infuse twice a day. At least this time around the side effects from the antibiotics are not so bad.

News from the Orthopedic doc is that my "bone is unorganized." I should have said to him, "Right now my life is very unorganized! Why would my bones be any different?" :) Basically he was saying that I am putting down a lot of bone but it isn't in the right configuration for the solidity he wants my bone to have before the TSF is removed. No CT scan for me this month. Instead I am upping my bone growth stimulator use. Keep your fingers crossed for me that this August will be the month for a CT scan and the bone will be solid through and through.

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